Vi bryr oss, vi engasjerer oss, vi tror og vi tilber / We care, we engage, we believe and worship




Dato Tid Samling
25. aug 16:00 Sunday Service
8. sep 16:00 Sunday Service
22. sep 16:00 Sunday Service
28. sep 18-21 Worship night with OIFC at Abildsø Misjonskirke.
6. okt 16:00 Sunday Service
20. okt 16:00 Sunday Service
3. nov 16:00 Sunday Service
17. nov 16:00 Sunday Service
29. nov 17:00-20:00 Thanksgiving
1. des 16:00 Sunday Service
15. des 11:00 Sunday Service / Alle sammen
25. des 13:00 Christmas Celebration
1. jan 16:00 Worship and prayer


Støtt arbeidet / Support the ministry!